
ColorMe Company

Birthday, Birthday, Birthdays!!!! February has just become one of my most busiest months of the year! My Daughter was born on February 3rd, My son's and Uncle Gio's birthday was on the 4th, the kid's Godfather's birthday was on the 16th, Jayden's Friend Alexis on the 19th and my husbands 24th birthday will be on the 27th!! If you lost count that was 6 birthdays and not to mention Valentine's day, thats a lot of parties, gifts, and cards to make.

Being so busy taking care of a newborn and a 3 yr old, I was delighted to be contacted by a unique Card Company (among other things) called ColorMe Company. They have products that allow your little ones to express their creativity on cards, pillowcases, and t-shirts, rather than your kitchen wall like my son did.

ColorMe Company sent me the Big Dawg Happy Birthday card 8 pack, perfect for all the birthdays this month. This set, as do most of the products, feature original artwork submitted by children. When I opened the package my son's eyes lit up, and the first thing he asked for was a crayon, haha.

Jayden decided to color his first card for his Godfather, Edwin, he grabbed the card and the crayons that came with the cards, and set himself on the floor and began coloring. Here is his masterpiece.

As a special treat to my readers, ColorMe Company was kind enough to offer 20% off their products, the code is colormelovesmoms. Thanks for visiting and don't forget to stop by www.colormecompany.com


Cziana Kayleen Castro

I can't believe I am finally holding my baby girl! It all started monday the 2nd, i started having contractions at 1:30pm they were pretty regular but the pain stayed the same. I decided to sleep it off because i had a dotors appointment on tuesday the 3rd. I was not comfortable at all the whole night, i barely got any sleep. So tuesday morning i feel restless so i make Jayden and I some pancakes to eat for breakfast. We get ready to go out. I meet up with some friends and we go to party city to buy decorations for Jayden's birthday party for the 4th. So i start having some contractions again, but this time i feel tingling in my fingers with a bit of nausea. So i finally get to the doctor and they check my blood pressure and its pretty high, so my doctor decides to direct me to labor & delivery so i can get monitored. So my husband drops me off at the hospital so he can drop Jayden off at his mom's. So I get admitted and they check if Iam dialated, and I am 1cm. I get told that they will recheck me in 2 hours to see if theres any progress, if there isn't i get to go home. Well no more than 20mins pass by that another nurse comes in to put in an IV, then she casually asks if I am excited that i am having a c-section at 8? I am like WHAT!? I ask her to make sure, and sure enough they schedule me at that time, it is 6:50pm so I frantically start calling Mike. Cziana Kayleen was born February 3rd at 8:30pm, she weighed 6lbs 2oz and measured 17in. She looks just like her big brother Jayden. He seems excited with his little sister, but we will see how things go. I am so happy to finally be able to meet my little girl, i feel like my little family is complete.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far.